360 degree gaming in virtual reality

The plus package for your SPACES event

Book SPACES with a visit to our exclusive VR arcade. Our team will show you a hand-picked selection of the best VR games of all time. You've never experienced gaming like this before.

  • Diverse selection of games

  • For all group sizes

  • Incl. instructions

Three gaming stations

VR Arcade


In the 30 m² Virtual Reality zone, featuring two VR stations, you can experience thrilling single-player adventures with state-of-the-art Virtual Reality headsets and controllers.

The player's field of view is projected onto screens, making VR gaming a social event that everyone can participate in.

Motion Simulator


Our fully hydraulic motion racing simulator blurs the boundaries between reality and the virtual world. It offers a unique, immersive experience.

The haptic simulation gives you the feeling of actually sitting in a race car: You feel the full speed, the centrifugal forces in the curves and every bump. With the VR goggles, you look around freely in the cockpit - just like in reality. Is your opponent coming up in the rearview mirror?

NMY SPACES I Events I Gaming Lounge | Team NMY Playstation 2


In the gaming lounge your team plays popular multiplayer games like soccer or kart racing on Playstation and co. - with and without VR.

For the nostalgic ones, there's retro gaming with the Atari 2600 game console from 1977 and legendary games like Pac-Man, Asteroids, Berzerk and Air Sea Battle.


Rock your event with our VR arcade!